Russia: Zakharov
Bulgaria: Ednorog
Estonia: Tanapaev
Poland: Swiat Ksiaziki
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Following crime into the 20th century, Erast Fandorin faces a slew of mysteries over the course of three novellas, each of which explores a different genre and trace the detective’s adventures from 1903-1912. In his Technocratic Adventure, our detective finds himself on a mysterious island in the Atlantic. Drawn into the hunt for a treasure galleon, Fandorin’s case is played out both on land and underwater, as he finds himself aboard a submarine in pursuit of answers.
The year is 1907 and Fandorin is back on dry land as he is faced with the cruel murder of an abbess from a distant monastery. In Nostalgic Adventure, the detective’s work and personal life collide and he must keep a level head to solve the mystery, when the victim is a former lover from his youth.
In Idiotic Adventure, on the last day of 1912, a bloody murder takes place on a train in Poland. Hot on his heels, Fandorin chases the devilishly cruel culprit across Poland to the ancient town of Krakow...