It was quite a year for our authors!
C.J. Box released two great books: SHADOWS REEL was the 22nd book in the Joe Pickett series, and debuted at #2 on the New York Times Bestseller list–just below Dolly Parton! TREASURE STATE, the sixth book in the Cassie Dewell series, stayed on the Bestseller list for a month! C.J. Box also went back on the road, twice! STORM WATCH is coming out in February of next year, so if you missed him in 2022, there will be many more chances.
Speaking of Joe Pickett, did you get to watch the new television series? It premiered on Spectrum Originals, and you can also watch it on Paramount Plus. Season 2 will be coming out in 2023, so it’s time to catch up!
Dennis Lehane announced that he would be publishing his first book in five year, SMALL MERCIES. It’s getting stellar reviews, including early praise from Stephen King, S.A. Cosby, and Junot Diaz. Dennis Lehane was also busy on the silver screen: his first show as showrunner, BLACK BIRD, premiered on Apple TV+. It has since garnered three Golden Globe nominations!
Matt Kracht published THE BIG DUMB BIRD JOURNAL, for all the birders out there. His next masterpiece, OMFG, BEES! is available for pre-order! Also, THE FIELD GUIDE TO DUMB BIRDS OF THE WHOLE STUPID WORLD came in at #8 in the GoodReads Choice Awards for Humor, and it came in at #11 on the American Book Association Indie Bestseller list!
Sterling Watson returns with NIGHT LETTER in January 2023. It’s part thriller, part noir, part coming of age story–can’t think of a better way to start off the year!
Dan Fesperman released WINTER WORK, an excellent spy drama. Publisher’s Weekly said, in their starred review: “Cold War-era spy fiction doesn’t get much better than this.”
2022 was a great year for writers, books, and indie bookstores. In 2023, let’s all keep trying to shop local, support authors, and read for fun!