Doiron Sits Down For Tea With Strumpet

The Poacher's Son by Paul DoironYou might think that a blog called Bookslut would like every book that comes along, but the folks over there are actually quite discerning readers. That’s why we were so pleased when Clayton Moore, author of their Mystery Strumpet column, recently interviewed Paul Doiron and gave THE POACHER’S SON a rave review.

Clayton calls Paul’s novel “sublime” and says “transcends its setting, lending a bleak austerity to its milieu while simultaneously infusing its main character with Steinbeckian humanity.” He thinks its protagonist is “a fascinating, troubled character” and concludes:

The author, who devoured Sherlock Holmes as a kid and Raymond Carver and Tim O’Brian as a younger man, has managed to craft a novel that lies somewhere between the two, a crime novel that encompasses the full range of human emotion. The novel is the first in a series that will follow Mike’s emotional development as he grows to be the man he’s meant to be. It’s a fascinating character study with much promise for the future.

Click here for more nice things about the book and Paul’s illuminating commentary on its hero.


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