Entering Haven

LeavingHaven_mcclearyLEAVING HAVEN, Kathleen McCleary’s third novel, is an “absolutely heart-wrenching story” and “perfect for book clubs,” according to Jenn’s Bookshelves. See what other lovely things bloggers have been saying about it after the jump!

Book-alicious Mama wonders, “How do I sum up a book that left me in tears and still in shock that it’s over? To be honest, I’m nervous I won’t do Kathleen McCleary justice. McCleary is a born storyteller.”

“This story was fresh and original. Like a bread crumb trail, it shares little tidbits, allowing the story to slowly build incrementally. Absorbing and emotional, I loved this one!” says Cerebral Girl in a Redneck World. “It was able to reach deep within me on occasion and touch someplace precious, but perhaps more importantly, it was able to surprise me. That is something even more special. This is one of those books bound to be a favorite of 2013!”

“The way the story was told was fantastic,” says Kritters Ramblings. “All I can say is, I will now read anything that Kathleen McCleary comes out with, without reading the synopsis! Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel.”

Cupcake’s Book Cupboard confesses, “Oh, faithful readers. I really liked this book, and I’m still a bit annoyed that it ended.”

In the most honest review we’ve read so far, Bloggin’ ’bout Books says, “It’s difficult not to be drawn into Leaving Haven, an intense new family drama by Kathleen McCleary. The characters are well-drawn, so much so that it’s hard not to feel empathy for all of them. The conflict at the heart of the story gives the novel enough tension and drama to keep the reader interested. I cared about the characters, the plot kept me guessing and the prose didn’t make me want to scratch my eyeballs out with a toothpick. That equals a decent read in my book.” Really, what more can you ask for in a book? 

Kathy recently told The Huffington Post about how she comes up with her emotionally complex stories — and told them a little bit about what her fourth book will be about! 

Over on fellow author Caroline Leavitt’s blog, Kathy shared an essay she wrote about her creative process say that, for her, writing is about “things I love so much I had to talk about them.”

On Meg Waite Clayton’s blog 1st Books, Kathy recounts a frenzied trip to Bloomingdale’s to find an outfit to impress editors who were interested in her first book — and how she celebrated its sale with a glass of champagne.  


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