Dennis Lehane’s WORLD GONE BY (Am Ende einer Welt) published in Germany and Switzerland last fall. The reviews are in – the critics love it. More after the jump!
Some highlights:
“Lehane again interconnects his mafia-saga with an exciting secondary plot and thrilling turns, and he embeds them in true historic occurrences. Once again he succeeded in producing an action-packed thriller, which is simultaneously a social novel full of passion.” – FOCUS online
“It is a book of the cruel and cold-blooded, full of sentimentality, paternal love, betrayal and full of ghosts […] and it is also a picture of time, in which real historical figures show up occassionaly such as Meyer Lansky, which shines in the strong colours of Lehane’s prose.” –Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
“An enthralling and confidently shaped novel filled with dramatic art.” –Rheinische Post
In addition, WORLD GONE BY landed on bestseller lists like Zeit Online’s KrimiZEIT and SonntagsZeitung’s “December’s Best Crime Novels.”
We also love the striking cover from publisher Diogenes Verlag. Can you tell which character it portrays?