C.J. Box’s new mystery finds former sheriff’s investigator Cassie Dewell making a new start as a PI. It’ll hit bookstore shelves in August, but THE BITTERROOTS has already earned three starred reviews! More details below:
In their starred review, Publisher’s Weekly calls THE BITTERROOTS “Outstanding…Vividly etched characters and a realistic plot lift this outing, and the well-done Montana setting is a plus.” They conclude: “Box remains at the top of his game.”
Kirkus also stars THE BITTERROOTS and praises Cassie’s toughness and charm: “But Cassie, an ex-cop single mother, isn’t one to back down, especially since she wonders why anyone would take all the trouble to stop an investigation of a case that was as rock-solid as this one’s supposed to be. An appealing new heroine, a fast-moving plot, and a memorably nightmarish family make this one of Box’s best.”
Finally, Booklist calls out C.J. Box’s plotting: “Corrupt towns are a staple of both crime fiction and westerns, as are twisted families ruled by evil patriarchs. Here, Box entwines those tropes with a harrowing subplot involving Cassie’s son, Ben, and fashions a snare that will render readers utterly immobilized until they’ve closed the book. Game warden Joe Pickett may be Box’s main man, but Cassie is equally compelling, and readers will be delighted to have her back.” Their bottom line: “Not content with merely ruling Wyoming, Box has become the dominant mystery/thriller author of the mountain West—and deservedly so.”
Fans can enter to win an advance reader’s copy of THE BITTERROOTS from CrimeReads, here.