The Poacher’s Son Featured on BookBrowse

The Poacher's Son by Paul DoironTHE POACHER’S SON by Paul Doiron is now out in paperback, BookBrowse is currently featuring it as one of their recommended paperbacks. They call it “taut and engrossing” and “a sterling debut of literary suspense.”

If you’ve already read it and are eager for some other great suspense novels, they’ve also included it in their Read-Alikes section. (In fact, one of the books they recommend is SHUTTER ISLAND, by a certain other ARLA author!)

If no one but Doiron will do, don’t worry! TRESPASSER, the sequel to THE POACHER’S SON, comes out in June. If you can’t wait that long, head over to Goodreads to enter to win an advance copy.


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