Night Watch on the Chesapeake is Peter Meinke’s third collection of poetry. The poems traverse a wide landscape of topics from playing baseball, the death of a friend, divorce, and even poetry itself.
Judith Hemschemeyer:
Meinke is a skilled craftsman. He is especially adept at building to a strong ending or the ending that shies the poem into an unexpected, but perfect place. He also has the most endearing kind of humor, the ability to laugh at himself.
St. Petersburg Times:
If you are one of the millions who is bored, perplexed or overawed by contemporary poetry, do the muse, and yourself, a favor: buy and read Peter Meinke's new book, Night Watch on the Chesapeake.
Christianity and Literature:
Meinke is a poet for the real ... He writes with an eye cocked for the tangible and the meaningful. He eschews mesmerizing his readers, choosing instead a realism that communicates well.